Turn 3

Turn Tree saw more expansion all over the map except Nathan's Chaos.  A failed difficult terrrain test keept both his banners from advancing as he attempted to attack Jeff's Orks at The Old Dwarf Fort.  With a bit of Bad Luck Jeff mannaged to roll a 1 on the Skaven roll and the persistant rats would return to try and kick him out of the fort.  The Dwarves also heldturn3map fast.  Both Dwarf Banners chose to fortify this turn.  Jeff's Orks Manuvered two banners so that he would be able to support his newly aquired Dwarf Fort and his new banner moved onto the west bank of the River Riek.  Bill moved further south with one banner and moved his seccond within striking distance of The Old Dwarf Fort.  Michelle's Orks fortified Road Watch and her other two banners moved further into the north east part of the map.  Mark had his Empire banner in Baumheim Ferry fortify that section while another banner moved further north in the Drak Wald Forest.  The only Battle taking place was between Jeff's Orks and the relentles Skaven at The Old Dwarf Fort.  This was suppose to be a straight points match inside the cavernous mountain but the Skaven army could only field 900 points so everyone decided that a 900 point match would suffice.  
betterbigboss      Jeff doned his Better Big Boss Hat to improve his luck in the game.  It seems to have worked as well since he rolled two Ultimate force roles in his first magic phase causing massive damage to the Skaven.  The Skaven never really recovered from the onslaught of Waah magic and lost the game badly.  It was1 pretty much a one sided victory with the Orks loosing only a hand full of goblins in the entire battle.  We all decided that if we were to play the campaign again we would have  to make some more special rules in the event that the Skaven were masakered.