The Border Princes
Warhammer Club

June Newlsetter
Proposed Schedule
Tuesday, June 3rd: Open Battle Night
Tuesday, June10th:  Meeting and Project Night
Tuesday, June 17th: Open Battle Night
Tuesday, June 24th:  Open Battle Night

From the Champion
    Hello and welcome to the first newsletter of The Border Princes Warhammer Club.  This short newlsetter will be availavle in print and web form hopefully every month and may turn into a bit of a short magazine in the future if  I can get submissions for articles from the rest of the members.  This first letter however is intended to be an intorduction to the club and some ideas as to what some of  our goals could be.
    The Border Princes started out in April with four members.  Jeffery Johnson, Mario Mora, Michelle Miller, and Nathan Miller.  We have known each other for years through various activities and school.  Though we are a tight knit group of former CMSU art Students it was and is not our desire to be an exclusive group.  After all the whole point of a Warhammer club is to get different players together to game with.  Mark Talbot has been showing up at our meetings since late April and Bill Paris has attended the last two meetings sour our grand total of members is six people.  
    We don't currently have officers or anything like that and we would not really like to get into that kind of organization until we have a large enough group to need them.  Instead we work on a group consensus.  I am the group champion but that doesn't imply any kind of authority about what we do.  I'm just the guy who registered the group and maintains our website and newsletter.  Some of the things we have talked about doing include, a map-based campaign, group terrain projects, group sponsered tournaments, and group trips.  
    We are currently a Warhammer World centric group.  This is not because we don't like Warhammer 40,000 or anything.  Most of our members play those games.  The reason our group is Warhammer centered is to provide our group some focus.  When you show up at our events you can be sure that we will be playing something in the Warhammer setting.  Another reason is that Warhammer doesn't get as much support in the United States as Warhammer 40,000 and it is harder for Warhammer players to find each other because 40K seems to be the default Games Workshop game that everyone plays.  There is also a Warhammer 40,000 club in the area already.  
    As you can see in the schedule we have open battle nights on Tuesdayhs starting at around 5:30pm.  We play at Gamers Pair A Dice in Sedelia MO (660) 827-4263.  Once a month we have a project night and meeting where we paint minis or work on terrain or something and have a short meeting.  So far this has been a kind of informal thing we have decided on but in the interest of helping new members know what's going on I would like to propose that we do this on the seccond Tuesday of each month.
We hope to see you at our Open Battles.
Natha Miller